Class DictionaryTools extends Object; /* * Example: * rawData = "name=sami&age=25&height=1.82&Collected_Super_Awesome_Green_Time_Piece=true" * * Pass into: BuildDictionaryArray(); local Array myDictionary; myDictionary = Class'DictionaryTools'.static.BuildDictionaryArray(rawData); * * result in: * Dictionary(0)=(key="name", value="sami"); Dictionary(1)=(key="age", value="25"); Dictionary(2)=(key="height", value="1.82"); Dictionary(3)=(key="Collected_Super_Awesome_Green_Time_Piece", value="true"); * * To extract data from the Dictionary structure call GetValue to get the value as a string, * or GetValueT where T represents a type, currently supported: int, float, bool, vector and rotator, see down below for their function names * Example: * local string myName; local int myAge; local float myHeight; Class'DictionaryTools'.static.GetValue("name", myDictionary, myName); Class'DictionaryTools'.static.GetValueInt("age", myDictionary, myAge); Class'DictionaryTools'.static.GetValueFloat("height", myDictionary, myHeight); `broadcast("Name:" @ myName @ "| Age:" @ myAge @ "| Height:" @ myHeight); * * Pro tip: * All GetValue functions return a true/false, GetValueBool doesn't have an out (not allowed in UnrealScript) so they will return true if valid: * local string extractedValue; if(Class'DictionaryTools'.static.GetValue("name", myDictionary, extractedValue)) { // This code here will run ONLY if this value is defined! // do stuff... } // Returns true if: 1) Defined 2) Value ~= "true" 3) Value is larger than 0 (if == 0 then false) if(Class'DictionaryTools'.static.GetValueBool("Collected_Super_Awesome_Green_Time_Piece", myDictionary)) { // It passed! Do stuff... } * */ // You can change these to fit your set up. const AND_PARAMETER = "&"; const KEY_EQUAL = "="; struct Dictionary { var string key; var string value; }; static function Dictionary Dict(string key, string value) { local Dictionary d; d.key = key; d.value = value; return d; } static function Array BuildDictionaryArray(string rawData) { local Array dictionaryEntries, dictionaryRes; local Array dictionaries, empty; local string de; empty.Length = 0; if(InStr(rawData, AND_PARAMETER) == INDEX_NONE) return empty; if(InStr(RawData, KEY_EQUAL) == INDEX_NONE) return empty; dictionaryEntries = SplitString(rawData, AND_PARAMETER); foreach dictionaryEntries(de) { dictionaryRes = SplitString(de, KEY_EQUAL); dictionaries.AddItem(Dict(dictionaryRes[0], dictionaryRes[1])); } return dictionaries; } static function Array BuildKeyReplacements(Array map, optional string avoid = "") { local Array keys; local Dictionary d; foreach map(d) if(avoid == "" || InStr(avoid, d.key, false, true) == INDEX_NONE) Class'SS_ChatFormatter'.static.AddKeywordReplacement(keys, d.key, d.value); return keys; } static function bool Empty(Array d) { return d.Length <= 0; } // Returns the string value static function bool GetValue(out string strRes, Array d, string key) { local int i; i = d.Find('key', key); if(i == INDEX_NONE) { strRes = ""; return false; } strRes = d[i].value; return true; } // Returns the value as a float static function bool GetValueFloat(out float floatRes, Array d, string key) { local string res; if(!GetValue(res, d, key)) return false; floatRes = float(res); return true; } // Returns the value as an integer static function bool GetValueInt(out int intRes, Array d, string key) { local string res; if(!GetValue(res, d, key)) return false; intRes = int(res); return true; } // Returns the value as a Vector static function bool GetValueVector(out Vector vectorRes, Array d, string xKey, string yKey, string zKey) { local bool x, y, z; local float res; x = GetValueFloat(res, d, xKey); if(x) vectorRes.X = res; y = GetValueFloat(res, d, yKey); if(y) vectorRes.Y = res; z = GetValueFloat(res, d, zKey); if(z) vectorRes.Z = res; return x || y || z; } // Returns the value as a Rotator static function bool GetValueRotator(out Rotator rotatorRes, Array d, string pitchKey, string yawKey, string rollKey) { local bool p, y, r; local int res; p = GetValueInt(res, d, pitchKey); if(p) rotatorRes.pitch = res; y = GetValueInt(res, d, yawKey); if(y) rotatorRes.yaw = res; r = GetValueInt(res, d, rollKey); if(r) rotatorRes.roll = res; return p || y || r; } // Returns true if key is defined and has one of the values: // 1) True // 2) Bigger than 0 static function bool GetValueBool(string key, Array d) { local string res; if(!GetValue(res, d, key)) return false; return (res ~= "true" || float(res) > 0); } static function string KeysToDictionaryCommand(Array keys) { local string s; local int i; s = ""; for(i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) s $= keys[i].Keyword $ KEY_EQUAL $ keys[i].Value $ ( i + 1 >= keys.Length ? "" : AND_PARAMETER); return s; }