/** * Gets the integer that was saved in a level bit (likely with AbsoluteValue=True). */ class Drew_SeqAct_GetLevelBit extends SequenceAction; /** Id to get the level bit from. */ var() String Id; /* Map to get the level bit from. Leave blank to get from the currently loaded map. */ var() String Map; var int Value; event Activated() { if (Id == "") return; Value = class'Hat_SaveBitHelper'.static.GetLevelBits(Id, Map); } defaultproperties { ObjName = "Get Level Bit" ObjCategory = "Give me a custom category!" bCallHandler = false bSuppressAutoComment = false VariableLinks.Empty VariableLinks(0) = (ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int', LinkDesc="Value", PropertyName=Value, bWriteable=true) }