/** * Custom note actor that can be modified using the Drew_SeqAct_ModifyKismetText node. */ class Drew_KismetText extends Actor placeable; var() Hat_TextRenderComponent TextRenderComponent; event OnModifyKismetText(Drew_SeqAct_ModifyKismetText Seq) { Seq.ApplyOverrides(TextRenderComponent); } defaultproperties { Begin Object Class=Hat_TextRenderComponent Name=TextRenderComponent0 //this looks pretty well centered Translation = (Z = 18) TextLimit = 50 Text = "Text" HiddenGame = false End Object TextRenderComponent = TextRenderComponent0; Components.Add(TextRenderComponent0) //Just as a means to select it Begin Object Class=SpriteComponent Name=Sprite Translation = (Z = -20) Scale = 0.5 Sprite = Texture2D'EditorResources.S_Note' HiddenGame = True AlwaysLoadOnClient = False AlwaysLoadOnServer = False SpriteCategoryName = "Notes" End Object Components.Add(Sprite) Begin Object Class=ArrowComponent Name=Arrow Translation = (Z = -20) ArrowColor = (R=150,G=200,B=255) ArrowSize = 0.5 bTreatAsASprite = True HiddenGame = true AlwaysLoadOnClient = False AlwaysLoadOnServer = False SpriteCategoryName = "Notes" End Object Components.Add(Arrow) }