class Hat_GenericCollectibleHUD extends Hat_HUDElementTimeObjects; //don't forget to change the name of your class! defaultproperties { Tex_TimeObjects = //PUT YOUR ICON HERE (must be Texture2D) Position = (X=0.4, Y=0.088); // Position on screen HUDScale = 0.7; //Scale of the HUD Element itself IconScale = 1.0; //Scale of the Icon } function int GetValue(HUD H) { local Pawn p; local int value; p = GetPawn(H, true); if (p == None) return 0; if (!p.IsA('Hat_PLayer')) return 0; value = Hat_PlayerController(p.Controller).GetLoadout().GetCollectibleAmount(PUT YOUR COLLECTIBLE HERE); //change it to your collectible's class (must be as "class'yourclasshere'") if (!Hat_Player(p).IsClient()) value += TransientAmount; return value; }