

Simple Kismet node to enable/disable the Rift Collapse post-process MaterialEffect outside of Death Wishes. Affects all local players.

 * Enables/Disables the Rift Collapse rainbow distortion effect for both players.
 * Code snippets taken from:
 *    - Hat_SnatcherContract_DeathWish_RiftCollapse.uc
 *    - Hat_SeqAct_TeleportPlayers.uc
 * Janky code by Starblaster64
 * Original code by Gears for Breakfast.
class sb64_SeqAct_HurryUp extends SequenceAction;
    ObjName="Rift Collapse Effect"
    InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Start Effect")
    InputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Stop Effect")
event Activated()
    local Engine LocalEngine;
    local Array<MaterialEffect> MatEffects;
    local int iNumPlayers;
    local int p;
    LocalEngine = class'Engine'.static.GetEngine();
    iNumPlayers = LocalEngine.GamePlayers.Length;
    for (p = 0; p < iNumPlayers; p++)
        MatEffects[p] = MaterialEffect(LocalPlayer(Hat_PlayerController(LocalEngine.GamePlayers[p].Actor).Player).PlayerPostProcess.FindPostProcessEffect('HurryUp'));
        MatEffects[p].bShowInGame = InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse;