Code viewer
Has Config Value
Check whether or not you have the value desired of a config from any GameMod class. Simply grab the class name and value, and it'll work. Supports either matching the exact value, or equalling at least the desired value.
/** * * Copyright 2012-2015 Gears for Breakfast ApS. All Rights Reserved. */ class Ink_SeqCond_HasConfigValue extends SequenceCondition; var() String GamemodName; var() Name ConfigName; var() int RequiredValue; //If checked, the check will pass if the grabbed value is this value or greater. var() bool UseMinimum; event Activated() { local class<GameMod> GamemodClass; if (GamemodName != "") GamemodClass = class<GameMod>(class'Hat_ClassHelper'.static.ActorClassFromName(GamemodName)); if (GamemodClass != None && ConfigName != '') { if (UseMinimum) OutputLinks[(GamemodClass.static.GetConfigValue(GamemodClass, ConfigName) >= RequiredValue) ? 0 : 1].bHasImpulse = true; else OutputLinks[(GamemodClass.static.GetConfigValue(GamemodClass, ConfigName) == RequiredValue) ? 0 : 1].bHasImpulse = true; } else OutputLinks[1].bHasImpulse = true; } defaultproperties { ObjName="Has Config Value" ObjCategory="Ink Kismet" OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="True") OutputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="False") VariableLinks.Empty VariableLinks(0)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int',LinkDesc="Required Value",bWriteable=true,PropertyName=DesiredValue) }