#CodeFind closest script Class in script Class parent chain that overrides named Function/Event
A function to find closest script Class in parent chain of another script Class that overrides named Function/Event.
#CodeFindSeqObjectsByClass() - Startup-usable version
A custom version of Sequence::FindSeqObjectsByClass()
, but can be safely and accurately used on level startup events, such as GameMod::OnModLoaded()
#Code[HUD] Drawing a Rotated Mask Region
For HUD developers, this helper function allows you to create mask regions rotated about their center point.
#CodeModify Skin Hat via Scripting
Want to add more to the hat, particles? Statusseffects? even a HUD? This small code in GameMod can help you solve that!
#CodeDetecting other mods that Asset-Replace Objects your mod already does
A function that sends info about other mods that override Asset-Replaces from your mod.
#CodeSearch Specific Actor Function
A search function designed to search for a specific Actor in the level.
#CodeKey Press Listeners Guide
A detailed how to, where you can add an event listener when pressing keys through a script.
#CodeSet All DeathWish Objects to Fail (and reset when restarting)
A quicky and effective function that should help in making it easier for those who are creating a Deathwish without the need of failing each objective.
#CodeSearching Objects on the Map Via Scripting
A small guide of different ways to do so.
#CodeGet PackageName of Mod
Gets the PackageName (mod folder, not script package) of the mod that contains the class this function resides in.
Short and simple snippet used for deflecting objects or players off a surface.