Code viewer
Search Specific Actor Function
A search function designed to search for a specific Actor in the level.
Slap that function inside your script and call it as follows: SearchActor('ActorName', 12345);
To explain the parameters I will use TriggerVolume_107 as a reference.
Parameter 1 - Input the class name as found under the properties of the actor, e.g TriggerVolume_107 means to search for that it needs to be 'TriggerVolume' in the input. Parameter 2 - The ID of the actor, each actor to be differenate has a custom ID in the editor, this can be seen in the Actor's properties. e.g TriggerVolume_107 means to search for that specifically you need to look for ID 107 in the input.
// Search a specific actor in the level! Note: If you are going to access an actor's variables. // e.g something like Hat_Enemy_Mobster you need to initialize the return value like this // Hat_Enemy_Mobster(SearchActor('Hat_Enemy_Mobster', 5)); function Actor SearchActor(Name objectName, int id) { local Actor a; foreach class'Worldinfo'.static.GetWorldInfo().AllActors(class'Actor', a) { if(!a.IsA(objectName)) continue; if(String(a.Name) ~= (String(objectName) $ "_" $ id)) return a; } return None; }