Modify Component Vectors (Kismet)

Modified @ 2024-02-03 18:13:30

Allows you to modify the translation, rotation, scale, and scale3D values of a component of an actor.

ComponentName - The TEMPLATE NAME of the component you're targetting. Example: Pawns use Mesh0 as their mesh's template name, and CollisionCylinder for their collision.

BlendType - The type of blending you choose if BlendTime is above 0.

  • Direct - A linear blend.
  • EaseInEaseOut - A smooth, linear blend.
  • Overshoot - Overshoots the ending values slightly, depending on your tension.
  • Bounce - Bounces around the ending values before reaching them.
  • Spring - Similar to bounce, albeit slightly different.
  • Decelerate - Starts out linear, then smooths into the ending values.
  • Anticipate - Similar to Curve (Auto) in Matinee, where it'll overshoot both directions.

BlendTime - The time spent adjusting the values. If set to zero, it will insta set values.

BlendTension - A tension value used in several of the blend types. Look in Hat_Math_Base if you wish to see the defaults!

DesiredComponentClass - If set up, will only affect components of the desired class or subclass.

bModifyTranslation/Rotation/Scale - Check these boxes to edit and affect their desired values.

UseShortestRotation - Uses the shortest possible rotation path.

bAddInsteadOfReplace - Adds to the current values instead of replacing them.

A couple things of note:

  • An output will be fired on the tick after components are successfully modified to their ending values.
  • You can affect collision cylinders! Simply set your X/Y values of NewScale to the radius, and Z to the height.
  • Should work with multiple actors at once, provided they share component template names.
  • Use with credit!

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 * Copyright 2012-2015 Gears for Breakfast ApS. All Rights Reserved.
class Ink_SeqAct_ChangeComponentOffset extends SeqAct_Latent;
enum EBlendType
struct ComponentData
    var PrimitiveComponent Comp;
    var Vector StartTranslation, StartScale3D;
    var Rotator StartRotation;
    var float StartScale;
var() String ComponentName;
var() EBlendType BlendType;
var() float BlendTime;
var() float BlendTension;
var() class<PrimitiveComponent> DesiredComponentClass;
var() bool bModifyTranslation;
var() Vector NewTranslation<EditCondition=bModifyTranslation>;
var() bool bModifyRotation;
var() Rotator NewRotation<EditCondition=bModifyRotation>;
var() bool UseShortestRotation<EditCondition=bModifyRotation>;
var() bool bModifyScale;
var() float NewScale<EditCondition=bModifyScale>;
var() bool bModifyScale3D;
var() Vector NewScale3D<EditCondition=bModifyScale3D>;
var() bool bAddInsteadOfReplace;
var Array<ComponentData> CurrentComps;
var transient float CurrentProgress;
event Activated()
    CurrentProgress = 0.0;
event bool Update(float d)
    local float alpha;
    local ComponentData CurrentComp;
    local PrimitiveComponent p;
    if (CurrentProgress >= BlendTime)
        return false;
    CurrentProgress = FMin(CurrentProgress + d, BlendTime);
    alpha = GetLerpAlpha(CurrentProgress);
    foreach CurrentComps(CurrentComp)
        p = CurrentComp.Comp;
        if (p == None) continue;
        if (bModifyTranslation) p.SetTranslation(VLerp(CurrentComp.StartTranslation, bAddInsteadOfReplace ? (CurrentComp.StartTranslation + NewTranslation) : NewTranslation, alpha));
        if (bModifyRotation) 
            if (UseShortestRotation)
                p.SetRotation(class'Hat_Math'.static.RLerpShortest(CurrentComp.StartRotation, bAddInsteadOfReplace ? (CurrentComp.StartRotation + NewRotation) : NewRotation, alpha));
                p.SetRotation(RLerp(CurrentComp.StartRotation, bAddInsteadOfReplace ? (CurrentComp.StartRotation + NewRotation) : NewRotation, alpha));
        if (bModifyScale) p.SetScale(Lerp(CurrentComp.StartScale, bAddInsteadOfReplace ? (CurrentComp.StartScale + NewScale) : NewScale, alpha));
        if (bModifyScale3D)
            if (CylinderComponent(p) != None)
                if (bAddInsteadOfReplace)
                    CylinderComponent(p).SetCylinderSize((Lerp(CurrentComp.StartScale3D.X, CurrentComp.StartScale3D.X + NewScale3D.X, alpha) + Lerp(CurrentComp.StartScale3D.Y, CurrentComp.StartScale3D.Y + NewScale3D.Y, alpha)) / 2.0, Lerp(CurrentComp.StartScale3D.Z, CurrentComp.StartScale3D.Z + NewScale3D.Z, alpha));
                    CylinderComponent(p).SetCylinderSize((Lerp(CurrentComp.StartScale3D.X, NewScale3D.X, alpha) + Lerp(CurrentComp.StartScale3D.Y, NewScale3D.Y, alpha)) / 2.0, Lerp(CurrentComp.StartScale3D.Z, NewScale3D.Z, alpha));
                p.SetScale3D(VLerp(CurrentComp.StartScale3D, NewScale3D, alpha));
    return true;
function InitializeComponents()
    local Object Obj;
    local Actor TargetActor;
    local PrimitiveComponent p;
    local ComponentData NewData;
    CurrentComps.Length = 0;
    foreach Targets(Obj)
        if (Obj.IsA('Controller'))
            TargetActor = Controller(Obj).Pawn;
            TargetActor = Actor(Obj);
        if (TargetActor != None)
            foreach TargetActor.ComponentList(class'PrimitiveComponent', p)
                if (!(String(p.TemplateName) ~= ComponentName)) continue;
                if (DesiredComponentClass != None && !ClassIsChildOf(p.class, DesiredComponentClass)) continue;
                if (BlendTime > 0)
                    NewData.Comp = p;
                    NewData.StartTranslation = p.Translation;
                    NewData.StartRotation = p.Rotation;
                    NewData.StartScale = p.Scale;
                    if (CylinderComponent(p) != None)
                        NewData.StartScale3D = Vect(1,1,0)*CylinderComponent(p).CollisionRadius + Vect(0,0,1)*CylinderComponent(p).CollisionHeight;
                        NewData.StartScale3D = p.Scale3D;
                    if (bModifyTranslation) p.SetTranslation(bAddInsteadOfReplace ? (p.Translation + NewTranslation) : NewTranslation);
                    if (bModifyRotation) p.SetRotation(bAddInsteadOfReplace ? (p.Rotation + NewRotation) : NewRotation);
                    if (bModifyScale) p.SetScale(bAddInsteadOfReplace ? (p.Scale + NewScale) : NewScale);
                    if (bModifyScale3D)
                        if (CylinderComponent(p) != None)
                            if (bAddInsteadOfReplace)
                                CylinderComponent(p).SetCylinderSize(CylinderComponent(p).CollisionRadius + (NewScale3D.X + NewScale3D.Y) / 2.0, CylinderComponent(p).CollisionHeight + NewScale3D.Z);
                                CylinderComponent(p).SetCylinderSize((NewScale3D.X + NewScale3D.Y) / 2.0, NewScale3D.Z);
                            p.SetScale3D(bAddInsteadOfReplace ? (p.Scale3D + NewScale3D) : NewScale3D);
function float GetLerpAlpha(float InProgress)
    switch (BlendType)
        case CBlend_EaseInEaseOut: return class'Hat_Math'.static.InterpolationEaseInEaseOutJonas(0.0, 1.0, FClamp(InProgress / BlendTime, 0.0, 1.0), BlendTension);
        case CBlend_Overshoot: return class'Hat_Math'.static.InterpolationOvershoot(0.0, 1.0, FClamp(InProgress / BlendTime, 0.0, 1.0), BlendTension);
        case CBlend_Bounce: return class'Hat_Math'.static.InterpolationBounce(0.0, 1.0, FClamp(InProgress / BlendTime, 0.0, 1.0), BlendTension);
        case CBlend_Spring: return class'Hat_Math'.static.InterpolationSpring(0.0, 1.0, FClamp(InProgress / BlendTime, 0.0, 1.0), BlendTension);
        case CBlend_Decelerate: return class'Hat_Math'.static.InterpolationDecelerate(0.0, 1.0, FClamp(InProgress / BlendTime, 0.0, 1.0), BlendTension);
        case CBlend_Anticipate: return class'Hat_Math'.static.InterpolationAnticipate(0.0, 1.0, FClamp(InProgress / BlendTime, 0.0, 1.0), BlendTension);
    return FClamp(InProgress / BlendTime, 0.0, 1.0);
static event int GetObjClassVersion()
    return Super.GetObjClassVersion() + 0;
    ObjName="Set Component Offset"
    ObjCategory="Ink Kismet"
    BlendType = CBlend_Direct;
    BlendTime = 0.1;
    BlendTension = 3.0;
    UseShortestRotation = true;