AnimNotify - PlayCameraAnim

Use this animation notify to apply an animation to the player camera! Seamless cutscenes!

This custom animation notify allows you to play a CameraAnim, either in the current player camera, or by creating a brand new one. Some examples of what this could be used for include taunts with custom camera movement, cutscenes, camera shakes, etc...

Some features:

  • Blend in and out
  • Camera blending like in kismet
  • Cinematic mode options, including new ones like hiding the cinematic black bars
  • Forcing camera positions and rotations
  • Anim rate and scale modifiers

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class Hat_AnimNotify_PlayCameraAnim extends AnimNotify_Scripted;
/* This custom animation notify allows you to play CameraAnims directly from animations in an AnimSet, without the need for a separate script or kismet setup.
The option CreateNewCamera should be used if this notify is being played in a non-player mesh, in case of use in a cutscene, for example.
The variable tooltips go into further detail as for this notifies options.
UltraBoo 2024
var array<CameraAnimInst> animInst;
var DynamicCameraActor tempCamera;
struct CinematicModeParams
    var() bool bHidePlayer<ToolTip=Should we hide the player? Can not be used if owner is a player.>;
    var() bool bAffectsHUD<ToolTip=Should the HUD be hid?>;
    var() bool bAffectsMovement<ToolTip=If true, the player won't be able to move.>;
    var() bool bAffectsTurning<ToolTip=If true, the player won't be able to rotate the camera>;
    var() bool bAffectsButtons<ToolTip=If true, the player's inputs won't be registered, for the most part.>;
    var() bool bNewCamRot<ToolTip=If the camera should be set to a new rotation. Only applicable if using the player camera.>;
    var() bool bHideCinematicBars<ToolTip=Should the cinematic mode black bars be hidden?>;
var() CameraAnim CameraAnimation<ToolTip=The CameraAnim to be used.>;
var() float AnimRate<ToolTip=How fast the animation should play.>;
var() float AnimMoveScale<ToolTip=Scales the movement of the animation by this factor.>;
var() Vector2D BlendInOutTime<ToolTip=The Blend In and Blend Out time values, in seconds.>;
var() bool UseCinematicMode<ToolTip=Activates cinematic mode. Needed if player lock or hiding player is needed.>;
var() CinematicModeParams CinematicModeSettings<ToolTip=Settings for the cinematic mode>;
var() bool CreateNewCamera<ToolTip=Creates a new camera instead of using the player's camera. Must be on if CameraAnim is to be played outside the player model.>;
var(NewCamera) Rotator NewCameraRotation<ToolTip=Forces player camera to start at certain rotation. Player Camera Lock or New Camera is required to be true.>;
var(NewCamera) Vector NewCameraPosition<ToolTip=Places camera at certain offset. New Camera is required to be true.>;
var(NewCamera) ViewTargetTransitionParams NewCamSettings<ToolTip=Settings for the transition between the player camera and the new camera.>;
event Notify(Actor Owner, AnimNodeSequence AnimSeqInstigator)
    local Hat_PlayerController plyControl;
    local WorldInfo WI;
    local bool canHideCinematic;
    local int i;
    if(CameraAnimation == none) return;
    if(Hat_Player(Owner) != none && CinematicModeSettings.bHidePlayer) canHideCinematic = true;
    else canHideCinematic = false;
    i = 0;
        tempCamera = Owner.Spawn(class'DynamicCameraActor',,, Owner.Location + QuatRotateVector(QuatFromRotator(Owner.Rotation),NewCameraPosition), Owner.Rotation + NewCameraRotation,,true);
        WI = class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo();
        foreach WI.AllControllers(class'Hat_PlayerController', plyControl)
            plyControl.PlayerCamera.SetViewTarget(tempCamera, NewCamSettings);
            animInst[i] =  plyControl.PlayerCamera.PlayCameraAnim(CameraAnimation,AnimRate,AnimMoveScale,BlendInOutTime.X, BlendInOutTime.Y, false, false);
                if(CinematicModeSettings.bHideCinematicBars) plyControl.HideCinematicBars = true;
                if (class'Hat_HUDMenu_SwapHat'.static.IsOpen(plyControl)) Hat_Player(plyControl.Pawn).BadgeSwitchDeactivate();
        if (Hat_Player(Owner) == None) return;
        plyControl = Hat_PlayerController(Hat_Player(Owner).Controller);
        animInst[0] =  plyControl.PlayerCamera.PlayCameraAnim(CameraAnimation,AnimRate,AnimMoveScale,BlendInOutTime.X, BlendInOutTime.Y, false, false);
            if(CinematicModeSettings.bNewCamRot) plyControl.SetRotation(Owner.Rotation + NewCameraRotation);
            if(CinematicModeSettings.bHideCinematicBars) plyControl.HideCinematicBars = true;
            if (class'Hat_HUDMenu_SwapHat'.static.IsOpen(plyControl)) Hat_Player(plyControl.Pawn).BadgeSwitchDeactivate();
event NotifyEnd( Actor Owner, AnimNodeSequence AnimSeqInstigator )
    local Hat_PlayerController plyControl;
    local WorldInfo WI;
    local bool canHideCinematic;
    local int i;
    if(animInst.Length <= 0) return;
    if(Hat_Player(Owner) != none && CinematicModeSettings.bHidePlayer) canHideCinematic = true;
    else canHideCinematic = false;
    i = 0;
        WI = class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo();
        foreach WI.AllControllers(class'Hat_PlayerController', plyControl)
            plyControl.PlayerCamera.SetViewTarget(plyControl.ViewTarget, NewCamSettings);
            plyControl.PlayerCamera.StopCameraAnim(animInst[i], true);
                if(CinematicModeSettings.bHideCinematicBars) plyControl.HideCinematicBars = false;
        tempCamera = none;
        if (Hat_Player(Owner) == None) return;
        plyControl = Hat_PlayerController(Hat_Player(Owner).Controller);
        plyControl.PlayerCamera.StopCameraAnim(animInst[0], true);
            if(CinematicModeSettings.bHideCinematicBars) plyControl.HideCinematicBars = false;
    AnimInst.Length = 0;
    AnimRate = 1;
    AnimMoveScale = 1;
    BlendInOutTime = (X = 0, Y = 0);
    UseCinematicMode = true;
    NewCameraRotation = (Pitch = 0, Yaw = 0, Roll = 0);
    NewCameraPosition = (X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0);
    CreateNewCamera = false;