Hide Bone


Node that allows you to hide bones of a skeletal mesh, pawn, or player. Please note that any children of the bone being hid will also be affected.


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class Hat_SeqAct_HideBone extends SequenceAction;
/* This node allows you to hide specific bones of a skeletal mesh.
Please note that any children of the bone being hid will also be affected.
UltraBoo 2024
var() Name BoneName<ToolTip=Name of the bone to be hidden>;
static event int GetObjClassVersion()
    return Super.GetObjClassVersion()+1;
    ObjName="Hide Skeletal Bone"
    bCallHandler = false;
event Activated()
    local Object t;
    foreach Targets(t)
        if (Hat_NPC(t) != None)
            HideBone(Hat_NPC(t).SkeletalMeshComponent, InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse);
        else if (SkeletalMeshActor(t) != None)
            HideBone(SkeletalMeshActor(t).SkeletalMeshComponent, InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse);
        else if (Pawn(t) != None)
            HideBone(Pawn(t).Mesh, InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse);
        else if (Controller(t).Pawn != None)
            HideBone(Controller(t).Pawn.Mesh, InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse);
function HideBone(SkeletalMeshComponent c, bool IsHide)
    if(IsHide) c.HideBoneByName(BoneName, c.EPhysBodyOp.PBO_Disable);
    else c.UnHideBoneByName(BoneName);