

Hud element that draws the text inputted on screen in the same style as the race hud, using a string instead of a texture.

just use the OpenHud node and put the text you wanna display as the command and boom! cool text :)


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 * me (CatCube) :D 
 * Hud element that draws the text inputted on screen in the same style as the race hud, using a string instead of a texture.
Class Cat_HUDElement_ScreenText extends Hat_HUDElement;
var string MyString;
var float Progress;
var float TotalTime;
var float totalscale;
    Progress = -1;
    TotalTime = 1.5;
    totalscale = 0.5;
function OnOpenHUD(HUD H, optional String command)
    Progress = 0;
    MyString = command;
function bool Tick(HUD H, float d)
    if (!Super.Tick(H, d)) return false;
    Progress += d;
    if (Progress >= TotalTime)
        return false;
    return true;
function bool Render(HUD H)
    local float minsize, startscale, endscale, size, per, persmooth, alpha;
    if (!Super.Render(H)) return false;
    if (Hat_HUD(H) != None && Hat_HUD(H).bForceHideHud) return false;
    minsize = FMin(H.Canvas.ClipX, H.Canvas.ClipY);
    startscale = minsize*0.01;
    endscale = minsize*totalscale;
    per = Progress/TotalTime;
    persmooth = 1.0-((1.0-per)**3);
    size = (startscale + (endscale-startscale)*persmooth)*0.007;
    alpha = 255*(1.0 - FMax(per-0.6,0)/(1.0-0.6));
    H.Canvas.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, alpha);
    H.Canvas.Font = class'Hat_FontInfo'.static.GetDefaultFont(MyString);
    DrawBorderedText(H.Canvas, MyString, H.Canvas.ClipX * 0.5, H.Canvas.ClipY * 0.5, size, true, TextAlign_Center); //0.005
    return true;