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Actor that spawns collectibles in a perfect circle.
exactly as it says, useful for making simple collectible circles! collectibles are also attached to the center point, meaning easy rotation or movement potential, have fun!
/** * me (CatCube) :D * * Actor that spawns collectibles in a perfect circle */ class Cat_CollectibleCircle extends Actor placeable; //the collectible spawned var() class<Hat_Collectible> Collectible; //the amount of collectibles in the circle var() int Amount; //how large the radius of the circle is var() float Radius; var SpriteComponent SpriteComp; function PostBeginPlay() { local int i; Super.PostBeginPlay(); for (i = 0; i < Amount; i++) { SpawnCollectible(i); } } function SpawnCollectible(int i) { local Hat_Collectible c; local float StartRotation; local Rotator CurrentRotation; StartRotation = 65536/Amount; CurrentRotation.Yaw = StartRotation*i; c = Spawn(Collectible,,, (Location + Vector(CurrentRotation)*Radius) - c.Location, CurrentRotation,,true); c.SetBase(self); c.SetPhysics(PHYS_Interpolating); } defaultproperties { Begin Object Class=SpriteComponent Name=Sprite Sprite=Texture2D'EditorMaterials.TargetIcon' Scale=0.35 HiddenGame=true AlwaysLoadOnClient=False AlwaysLoadOnServer=False SpriteCategoryName="TargetPoint" End Object Components.Add(Sprite); SpriteComp=Sprite; bStatic=false bNoDelete=true bMovable=true Radius = 150; Amount = 6; Collectible = class'Hat_Collectible_EnergyBit'; }