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Death Wish Objective Kismet Node
Trigger, complete, fail, or force unlock objectives for a Death Wish, using only Kismet!
Complete Bonus - Triggers a bonus, completing it or adding 1 to a counter bonus. Check Force Clear to auto complete the bonus no matter WHAT. Checking AffectAllObjectives and using this will clear every non-failed objective for the DW. Fail Bonus - Self explanatory. Fails a DW bonus if it isn't completed. Checking AffectAllObjectives fails every non-completed objective. Unfail Bonus - Unfails a DW. Checking AffectAllObjectives refreshes all non-completed objectives. Reset Progress - Resets the counter for a counter bonus, such as Cruisin for a Bruisin's objectives. Does NOT un-complete completed bonuses!
/** * Copyright 1998-2021 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class Ink_SeqAct_DeathWishBonusState extends SequenceAction; //What DW specifically you target. var() class<Hat_SnatcherContract_DeathWish> DeathWishClass; //The index of the bonus you want. Remember, main objective is zero! var() int BonusIndex; //Affects ALL non-failed objectives. Ignores failed objectives unless you have ForceClear checked. var() bool AffectAllObjectives; //Forcibly unlock a bonus, no matter if it's failed or not. Tends to not display HUD, so usually just use as a failsafe. var() bool ForceClear; event Activated() { local int i; if (DeathWishClass == None) return; if (!DeathWishClass.static.IsActive()) return; if (BonusIndex < 0 && !AffectAllObjectives) return; //Bonus completion if (InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse) { if (AffectAllObjectives) { for (i = 0; i < DeathWishClass.default.Objectives.Length; i++) { if (!ForceClear) DeathWishClass.static.TriggerObjective(i); else DeathWishClass.static.ForceUnlockObjective(i); } } else { if (!ForceClear) DeathWishClass.static.TriggerObjective(BonusIndex); else DeathWishClass.static.ForceUnlockObjective(BonusIndex); } } if (InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse) { if (AffectAllObjectives) { for (i = 0; i < DeathWishClass.default.Objectives.Length; i++) { DeathWishClass.static.SetObjectiveFailed(i, true); } } else { DeathWishClass.static.SetObjectiveFailed(BonusIndex, true); } } if (InputLinks[2].bHasImpulse) { if (AffectAllObjectives) { for (i = 0; i < DeathWishClass.default.Objectives.Length; i++) { DeathWishClass.static.SetObjectiveFailed(i, false); } } else { DeathWishClass.static.SetObjectiveFailed(BonusIndex, false); } } if (InputLinks[3].bHasImpulse) { if (AffectAllObjectives) { for (i = 0; i < DeathWishClass.default.Objectives.Length; i++) { DeathWishClass.static.ResetObjectiveProgress(i); } } else { DeathWishClass.static.ResetObjectiveProgress(BonusIndex); } } } static function Print(string s) { class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo().Game.Broadcast(class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo(), s); } defaultproperties { ObjName="Toggle Death Wish Bonus" ObjCategory="Toggle" InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Complete Bonus") InputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Fail Bonus") InputLinks(2)=(LinkDesc="Unfail Bonus") InputLinks(3)=(LinkDesc="Reset Progress") }