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Kismet node that allows you to change the "Outdoor Wetness" value from the Map Info, during the level.
Remember to change the "Ban" prefix of the script name from both the file name and inside the script, to prevent conflicts with other mods that use this script.
(This script can be modified to change another value that directly affects materials, just keep the call to "UpdateGenericSceneProxyParameters()", as it's what refreshes the materials.)
class Ban_SeqAct_ChangeOutdoorWetness extends SequenceAction; var() float NewOutdoorWetness<ClampMin=0.0 | ClampMax=1.0>; event Activated() { local WorldInfo WI; local Hat_MapInfo MI; WI = class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo(); MI = Hat_MapInfo(WI.GetMapInfo()); if (MI != None) { MI.OutdoorWetness = NewOutdoorWetness; WI.UpdateGenericSceneProxyParameters(); //so the wetness nodes in the materials get refreshed } } defaultproperties { ObjName="Change Outdoor Wetness" ObjCategory="Visuals" bCallHandler=false VariableLinks.Empty }