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Send the player back to their last safe location!
Use this Kismet node to send the player back to their last safe location like the swamp hands do or like if you get stuck! It's just drag and drop in your classes folder and it'll work, find it in the Player tab in the Kismet Actions! Made by CatCube! Enjoy!
class Cat_SeqAct_ReturnToSafeLocation extends SequenceAction dependson(Hat_Player); event Activated() { local Object Target; local Actor hActor; Super.Activated(); foreach Targets(Target) { hActor = Pawn(Target); if (Controller(hActor) != None) hActor = Controller(hActor).Pawn; if (hActor != None) { Hat_Player(hActor).ReturnToSafeLocation(); } } } defaultproperties { ObjName="Return To Safe Location" ObjCategory="Player" bCallHandler=false; bAutoActivateOutputLinks=true; VariableLinks(0)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Object',LinkDesc="Target",PropertyName=Targets); }