Better Subtitles
An improved system from the Subtitles utilized in Nyakuza Metro!
LATEST UPDATE: Added a new node see bottom, modified the manager a little.
Old way to do subtitles in a succession:
With this system you can do the above with less stuff for a similar functionality:
A small but useful system that can capitalized on to make subtitles for cinematics, with a lot of properties to mess with as shown below:
Properties info:
LifeTime | Duration of the subtitles, will run OnExpired when reaching zero. Note: Setting this to 0 will be infinite till "Skip or Stop" are called.
FadeIn | Time to reach fade in, occurs at the beginning of the life time.
FadeOut | Time to fade out, occurs at the end of the life time.
Text | Text to render on subtitles
Position | BETWEEN 0 AND 1! This value is transformed to the screen current resolution of Max Height/Width! tl;dr X/Y = 0 is left/top, 0.5f is center, X/Y = 1.0f is right/bottom.
Scale | Size of the text.
Font | Custom font? Set it here! Keeping this None will use Cursed Casual aka default game font.
Alignment | Adjust the text based on the anchoring point from Position, like starting left/right or center and so on.
TextColor | Color of the text
BorderTextColor | Color of the border
BorderWidth | Width of the border
BorderQuality | The quality of the border, the less this is the more pixelated it gets, good to increase if the text is too big!
Shadow | Adds a shadow to the text
ShadowAlpha | How much opacity the shadow has? 0 values is pretty much Shadow set to false.
VerticalSize | Stretches the text veritcally
Call this for an easier way to shutdown subtitles entirely without calling stop for ALL subtitle nodes.
Class SS_SeqAct_ShutdownSubtitles extends SequenceAction; event Activated() { local Hat_PlayerController pc; local SS_HUDElement_BetterSubtitles bs; local Object o; o = Targets[0]; pc = Hat_PlayerController(GetController(Actor(o))); bs = SS_HUDElement_BetterSubtitles(GetHUD(pc.MyHUD)); if(pc == None || bs == None) return; if(InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse) { bs.KismetSubtitle = None; bs.CloseHUD(pc.MyHUD, bs.Class); ForceActivateOutput(0); } } function Hat_HUDElement GetHUD(HUD myHUD) { local Hat_HUD h; h = Hat_HUD(myHUD); return h.GetHUD(class'SS_HUDElement_BetterSubtitles'); } defaultproperties { ObjName="Shutdown All Subtitles"; ObjCategory="HUD"; InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="In"); OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Out"); bCallHandler = false; bAutoActivateOutputLinks = false; }
Class SS_HUDElement_BetterSubtitles extends Hat_HUDElement; var String Text; var Font Font; var Vector2D Position; var float Scale, ShadowAlpha, BorderWidth, VerticalSize, BorderQuality; var bool Shadow; var TextAlign Alignment; var Color TextColor, BorderColor; var bool bFadeOut, bShuttingDown; var float Opacity, FadeSpeed, LifeTime; var SS_SeqAct_SubtitleManager KismetSubtitle; function OnOpenHUD(HUD H, optional String command) { Text = command; } function bool Render(HUD H) { local float x, y, s; if(!Super.Render(H)) return false; H.Canvas.SetDrawColor(TextColor.R, TextColor.G, TextColor.B, TextColor.A * Opacity); H.Canvas.Font = (Font != None ? Font : Class'Hat_FontInfo'.static.GetDefaultFont("abcdefghijkmnlopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKMNLOPQRSTUVWXYZ")); x = H.Canvas.ClipX * Position.X; y = H.Canvas.ClipY * Position.Y; s = FMin(H.Canvas.ClipY,H.Canvas.ClipX)/1080.0f * Scale; DrawBorderedText(H.Canvas, Text, x, y, s, Shadow, Alignment, ShadowAlpha, BorderWidth, BorderColor, VerticalSize, BorderQuality); return true; } function bool Tick(HUD H, float d) { if(!Super.Tick(H,d)) return false; if(Lifetime > 0) { LifeTime = FMax(LifeTime - d, 0.0f); if(LifeTime <= 0 && KismetSubtitle != None) KismetSubtitle.PrepareToDestroy(); } if(FadeSpeed > 0) Opacity = FClamp(Opacity + (bFadeOut ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (1.0f/FadeSpeed) * d, 0.0f, 1.0f); else Opacity = bFadeOut ? 0 : 1; if(bShuttingDown && bFadeOut && Opacity <= 0) { if(KismetSubtitle != None) SetTimer(H, 0.01f, false, 'OnExpiring', KismetSubtitle); CloseHUD(H, Class); } return true; } defaultproperties { Font = None; Position = (X = 0.5f, Y = 0.8f); Scale = 1.0f; Shadow = false; ShadowAlpha = 0.5f; Alignment = TextAlign_Center; VerticalSize = -1; BorderWidth = 4; BorderQuality = 1; TextColor = (R = 255, G = 255, B = 255, A = 255); }
class SS_SeqAct_SubtitleManager extends SequenceAction; var(Time) float LifeTime; // Duration of the subtitles, will run OnExpired when reaching zero. Note: Setting this to 0 will be infinite till "Skip or Stop" are called. var(Time) float FadeIn; // Time to reach fade in, occurs at the beginning of the life time. var(Time) float FadeOut; // Time to fade out, occurs at the end of the life time. var(MainSettings) String Text; // Text to render on subtitles var(MainSettings) Vector2D Position; // BETWEEN 0 AND 1! This value is transformed to the screen current resolution of Max Height/Width! tl;dr X/Y = 0 is left/top, 0.5f is center, X/Y = 1.0f is right/bottom. var(MainSettings) float Scale; // Size of the text. var(MainSettings) Font Font; // Custom font? Set it here! Keeping this None will use Cursed Casual aka default game font. var(MainSettings) TextAlign Alignment; // Adjust the text based on the anchoring point from Position, like starting left/right or center and so on. var(MainSettings) Color TextColor; // Color of the text var(BorderSettings) Color BorderTextColor; // Color of the border var(BorderSettings) float BorderWidth; // Width of the border var(BorderSettings) float BorderQuality; // The quality of the border, the less this is the more pixelated it gets, good to increase if the text is too big! var(OtherSettings) bool Shadow; // Adds a shadow to the text var(OtherSettings) float ShadowAlpha; // How much opacity the shadow has? 0 values is pretty much Shadow set to false. var(OtherSettings) float VerticalSize; // Stretches the text veritcally var SS_HUDElement_BetterSubtitles SubtitlesHUD; final function Print(coerce string msg) { local WorldInfo wi; wi = class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo(); if (wi == None) return; msg = "[" $ Class $ "]" @ msg; if(wi.GetALocalPlayerController() != None) wi.GetALocalPlayerController().TeamMessage(None, msg, 'Event', 6); else wi.Game.Broadcast(wi, msg); } event Activated() { local Hat_PlayerController pc; local SS_HUDElement_BetterSubtitles bs; local Object o; if(Text ~= "") return; o = Targets[0]; pc = Hat_PlayerController(GetController(Actor(o))); bs = SS_HUDElement_BetterSubtitles(OpenHUD(pc.MyHUD, Text)); if(pc == None || bs == None) return; if(InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse) { bs.Position = Position; bs.Scale = Scale; bs.Font = Font; bs.Alignment = Alignment; bs.TextColor = TextColor; bs.BorderColor = BorderTextColor; bs.BorderWidth = BorderWidth; bs.BorderQuality = BorderQuality; bs.Shadow = Shadow; bs.ShadowAlpha = ShadowAlpha; bs.VerticalSize = VerticalSize; bs.FadeSpeed = FadeIn; bs.KismetSubtitle = self; if(Lifetime > 0) bs.LifeTime = FMax(LifeTime - FadeOut, 0.01f); SubtitlesHUD = bs; ForceActivateOutput(0); } else if(InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse) { PrepareToDestroy(); } else if(InputLinks[2].bHasImpulse) { if(SubtitlesHUD != None) SubtitlesHUD.CloseHUD(pc.MyHUD, SubtitlesHUD.Class); ForceActivateOutput(2); } } function Hat_HUDElement OpenHUD(HUD myHUD, optional coerce string Command) { local Hat_HUD h; h = Hat_HUD(myHUD); return h.OpenHUD(class'SS_HUDElement_BetterSubtitles', Command); } function OnExpiring() { ForceActivateOutput(1); } function PrepareToDestroy() { SubtitlesHUD.LifeTime = 0; // If it was running and cancelled, early, set this back to 0 to avoid jank garbage SubtitlesHUD.bFadeOut = true; SubtitlesHUD.bShuttingDown = true; SubtitlesHUD.FadeSpeed = FadeOut; SubtitlesHUD = None; } event CheckForErrors(out Array<string> ErrorMessages) { if (Text ~= "") ErrorMessages.AddItem("No text was inputted, add some text!"); if (Scale <= 0) ErrorMessages.AddItem("Scale set to 0 or less won't be able to render!"); Super.CheckForErrors(ErrorMessages); } defaultproperties { ObjName="Play Subtitles"; ObjCategory="HUD"; InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="In"); InputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Skip"); InputLinks(2)=(LinkDesc="Stop"); OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Out"); OutputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Expired"); OutputLinks(2)=(LinkDesc="Stopped"); bCallHandler = false; Font = None; Position = (X = 0.5f, Y = 0.8f); Scale = 1.0f; Shadow = false; ShadowAlpha = 0.5f; Alignment = TextAlign_Center; VerticalSize = -1; BorderWidth = 4; BorderQuality = 1; TextColor = (R = 255, G = 255, B = 255, A = 255); LifeTime = 10; bAutoActivateOutputLinks = false; }