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Change AnimTree Kismet node
Changes the animtree of a specified model to be your new animtree
Tldr made this on accident thinking I was making something else, maybe someone'll find a use for it, I know I won't lmao
class Kido_SeqAct_ChangeAnimTree extends SequenceAction; var() AnimTree AnimationTree; static event int GetObjClassVersion() { return Super.GetObjClassVersion()+1; } defaultproperties { ObjName="Change Anim Tree" ObjCategory="Anim" //HandlerName="PlayAnimationAct" bCallHandler = false; AnimationTree = "None" InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Input") } event Activated() { local Object t; foreach Targets(t) { if (Hat_NPC(t) != None) PlayAnimation(Hat_NPC(t).SkeletalMeshComponent); else if (SkeletalMeshActor(t) != None) PlayAnimation(SkeletalMeshActor(t).SkeletalMeshComponent); else if (Pawn(t) != None) PlayAnimation(Pawn(t).Mesh); } } function PlayAnimation(SkeletalMeshComponent c) { if (c.AnimTreeTemplate != AnimationTree) { c.SetAnimTreeTemplate(AnimationTree); } }