Custom Death


A simple system designed to implement custom death via Kismet.

To implement a quicky here's an example:

  1. Give the Status Effect "SS_StatusEffect_FakeBadge" to the player.
  2. Add a Remote Event called "OnCustomDeath", set the Max Trigger Count from 0 to 1.
  3. Upon taking fatal damage the Remote Event will be triggered
  4. Implement a custom death from the Remote Event output

Tip: Use the Console Command kismet to implement a way to reload the map by inputting "restartlevel" in the kismet node

Image demo:


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class SS_Ability_Scriptable extends Hat_Ability_Automatic;
const KISMET_CALL_NAME = 'OnCustomDeath';
simulated function PostBeginPlay()
function ItemRemovedFromInvManager()
function OnTakeDamage(out int Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, out vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser)
    if(Instigator.Health - Damage <= 0)
        Damage = 0;
        SetHealthTransition(GetHealthHUD(), PlayerController(Instigator.Controller), Instigator.Health, 0);
        CallRemoteEvent(KISMET_CALL_NAME, Instigator.Controller);
simulated function Tick(float d)
    // If you gonna ban the badge, comment this out. (saves like itsy bitsy performance that does absolutely NOTHING)
// Fixes one hit hero overriding revive
delegate int SortPriority(Hat_Ability A, Hat_Ability B)
    if (A.IsA(Class.Name)) return -1;
    return 0; 
function SetHealthTransition(Hat_HUDElementHealth h, PlayerController c, int start, int finish, optional float multiplier = 1.0f)
    local InterpCurveFloat Curve;
    h.HealthMaterialInstance.SetScalarParameterValue('MaxHealth', h.GetPlayerMaxHealth(c.MyHUD));
    Curve = class'Hat_Math'.static.GenerateCurveFloat(start, finish, 0.2f * multiplier); 
    h.HealthMaterialInstance.SetScalarCurveParameterValue('CurrentHealth', Curve);
    h.HealthMaterialInstance.SetScalarStartTime('CurrentHealth', 0.0);
function Hat_HUDElementHealth GetHealthHUD()
    local Hat_HUDElementHealth h;
    local Hat_Player plyr;
    local PlayerController c;
    plyr = Hat_Player(Owner);
    c = plyr.Controller != None ? PlayerController(plyr.Controller) : None;
    if (c != None && c.MyHUD != None && c.MyHUD.IsA('Hat_HUD'))
        h = Hat_HUDElementHealth(Hat_HUD(c.MyHUD).OpenHUD(class'Hat_HUDElementHealth', "Display"));
    return h != None ? h : None;
static function CallRemoteEvent(Name RemoteEventName, Actor InOriginator, optional Actor InInstigator)
    local int i;
    local Sequence GameSeq;
    local array<SequenceObject> AllSeqEvents;
    if(String(RemoteEventName) ~= "") return;
    if(InInstigator == None) InInstigator = InOriginator;
    GameSeq = Class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo().GetGameSequence();
    if(GameSeq == None) return;
    GameSeq.FindSeqObjectsByClass(class'SeqEvent_RemoteEvent', true, AllSeqEvents);
    for(i=0; i < AllSeqEvents.Length; i++)
        if(SeqEvent_RemoteEvent(AllSeqEvents[i]).EventName != RemoteEventName) continue;
        SequenceEvent(AllSeqEvents[i]).CheckActivate(InOriginator, InInstigator);
    Begin Object Name=Mesh2
        Materials(0) = None;
    End Object
    HUDIcon = None;
    CosmeticItemName = "SSScriptableLOLXD";
    Description(0) = "SSScriptableLOLXDDesc0";

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Class SS_StatusEffect_FakeBadge extends Hat_StatusEffect;
var Inventory fakeBadge;
function OnAdded(Actor a)
    fakeBadge = Owner.Spawn(Class'SS_Ability_Scriptable',,, vect(0,0,0));
simulated function OnRemoved(Actor a)
    fakeBadge = None;
    Duration = -1;