Dictionary Tools for Online Party

Modified @ 2024-08-03 10:43:05

A static file that helps you read passed commands really easily.

I made this for Online Communication mod in fear of having to manage a lot of parameters that are completely unreadable, something I had occuring with Acceleration badge where I had an array of "params" and extracting them was up to param[26] where I have to remember what the hell is param[26]???? If you get this issue or concerned about something like this, then this file can help solving this.

Keep in mind that this requires that you have extracted the channel name from the string which is the main identifier, for an example see this file from my mod and look for the functions OnOnlinePartyCommand() and DoCommand() to see it in action: https://github.com/SamiSha99/OnlineCommunication/blob/main/Classes/SS_GameMod_OC.uc


[RAW] [Download]

Class DictionaryTools extends Object;
* Example:
*   rawData = "name=sami&age=25&height=1.82&Collected_Super_Awesome_Green_Time_Piece=true"
* Pass into: BuildDictionaryArray();
    local Array<Dictionary> myDictionary;
    myDictionary = Class'DictionaryTools'.static.BuildDictionaryArray(rawData);
* result in:
    Dictionary(0)=(key="name", value="sami");
    Dictionary(1)=(key="age", value="25");
    Dictionary(2)=(key="height", value="1.82");
    Dictionary(3)=(key="Collected_Super_Awesome_Green_Time_Piece", value="true");
* To extract data from the Dictionary structure call GetValue to get the value as a string, 
* or GetValueT where T represents a type, currently supported: int, float, bool, vector and rotator, see down below for their function names
* Example:
    local string myName;
    local int myAge;
    local float myHeight;
    Class'DictionaryTools'.static.GetValue("name", myDictionary, myName);
    Class'DictionaryTools'.static.GetValueInt("age", myDictionary, myAge);
    Class'DictionaryTools'.static.GetValueFloat("height", myDictionary, myHeight);
    `broadcast("Name:" @ myName @ "| Age:" @ myAge @ "| Height:" @ myHeight);
* Pro tip:
* All GetValue functions return a true/false, GetValueBool doesn't have an out (not allowed in UnrealScript) so they will return true if valid:
    local string extractedValue;
    if(Class'DictionaryTools'.static.GetValue("name", myDictionary, extractedValue))
        // This code here will run ONLY if this value is defined!
        // do stuff...
    // Returns true if: 1) Defined 2) Value ~= "true" 3) Value is larger than 0 (if == 0 then false)
    if(Class'DictionaryTools'.static.GetValueBool("Collected_Super_Awesome_Green_Time_Piece", myDictionary))
        // It passed! Do stuff...
// You can change these to fit your set up.
const AND_PARAMETER = "&";
const KEY_EQUAL = "=";
struct Dictionary
    var string key;
    var string value;
static function Dictionary Dict(string key, string value)
    local Dictionary d;
    d.key = key;
    d.value = value;
    return d; 
static function Array<Dictionary> BuildDictionaryArray(string rawData)
    local Array<String> dictionaryEntries, dictionaryRes;
    local Array<Dictionary> dictionaries, empty;
    local string de;
    empty.Length = 0;
    if(InStr(rawData, AND_PARAMETER) == INDEX_NONE) return empty;
    if(InStr(RawData, KEY_EQUAL) == INDEX_NONE) return empty;
    dictionaryEntries = SplitString(rawData, AND_PARAMETER);
    foreach dictionaryEntries(de)
        dictionaryRes = SplitString(de, KEY_EQUAL);
        dictionaries.AddItem(Dict(dictionaryRes[0], dictionaryRes[1]));
    return dictionaries;
static function Array<ConversationReplacement> BuildKeyReplacements(Array<Dictionary> map, optional string avoid = "")
    local Array<ConversationReplacement> keys;
    local Dictionary d;
    foreach map(d)
        if(avoid == "" || InStr(avoid, d.key, false, true) == INDEX_NONE) 
            Class'SS_ChatFormatter'.static.AddKeywordReplacement(keys, d.key, d.value);
    return keys;
static function bool Empty(Array<Dictionary> d)
    return d.Length <= 0;
// Returns the string value
static function bool GetValue(out string strRes, Array<Dictionary> d, string key)
    local int i;
    i = d.Find('key', key);
    if(i == INDEX_NONE)
        strRes = "";
        return false;
    strRes = d[i].value;
    return true;
// Returns the value as a float
static function bool GetValueFloat(out float floatRes, Array<Dictionary> d, string key)
    local string res;
    if(!GetValue(res, d, key)) return false;
    floatRes = float(res);
    return true;
// Returns the value as an integer
static function bool GetValueInt(out int intRes, Array<Dictionary> d, string key)
    local string res;
    if(!GetValue(res, d, key)) return false;
    intRes = int(res);
    return true;
// Returns the value as a Vector
static function bool GetValueVector(out Vector vectorRes, Array<Dictionary> d, string xKey, string yKey, string zKey)
    local bool x, y, z;
    local float res;
    x = GetValueFloat(res, d, xKey);
    if(x) vectorRes.X = res;
    y = GetValueFloat(res, d, yKey);
    if(y) vectorRes.Y = res;
    z = GetValueFloat(res, d, zKey);
    if(z) vectorRes.Z = res;
    return x || y || z;
// Returns the value as a Rotator
static function bool GetValueRotator(out Rotator rotatorRes, Array<Dictionary> d, string pitchKey, string yawKey, string rollKey)
    local bool p, y, r;
    local int res;
    p = GetValueInt(res, d, pitchKey);
    if(p) rotatorRes.pitch = res;
    y = GetValueInt(res, d, yawKey);
    if(y) rotatorRes.yaw = res;
    r = GetValueInt(res, d, rollKey);
    if(r) rotatorRes.roll = res;
    return p || y || r;
// Returns true if key is defined and has one of the values:
// 1) True
// 2) Bigger than 0
static function bool GetValueBool(string key, Array<Dictionary> d)
    local string res;
    if(!GetValue(res, d, key)) return false;
    return (res ~= "true" || float(res) > 0);
static function string KeysToDictionaryCommand(Array<ConversationReplacement> keys)
    local string s;
    local int i;
    s = "";
    for(i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) s $= keys[i].Keyword $ KEY_EQUAL $ keys[i].Value $ ( i + 1 >= keys.Length ? "" : AND_PARAMETER);
    return s;