Extended Act/Level Bit nodes


A few extra nodes for reading/deleting Act Bits and Level Bits!

This adds 4 new nodes:

  • Get Level Bit - Gets the value currently stored by a Level Bit (usually set with AbsoluteValue=True)
  • Get Act Bit - Same as above, but for Act Bits
  • Delete All Level Bits - Deletes all Level Bits from the specified maps (if unspecified, deletes from the current map)
  • Delete All Act Bits - Same as above, but for Act Bits

NOTE: You may want to edit the value of ObjCategory to something unique, so you can tell these nodes apart from other copies in other mods.


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 * Kismet action responsible for deleting all current act bits.
 * Useful for simulating a level reset.
class Drew_SeqAct_DeleteAllActBits extends SequenceAction;
event Activated()
    local Hat_SaveGame SG;
    SG = Hat_SaveGame(class'Hat_SaveBitHelper'.static.GetSaveGame());
    if (SG != None)
        SG.ActBits.Length = 0;
    ObjName = "Delete All Act Bits"
    ObjCategory = "Give me a custom category!"
    bCallHandler = false

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 * Kismet action responsible for deleting all (or all prefixed) level bits from one or more levels.
 * Useful for resetting the """save file""" of a mod.
class Drew_SeqAct_DeleteAllLevelBits extends SequenceAction;
/** Maps from which to delete level bits. If empty, the current map will be used. */
var() Array<string> Maps;
/** If not empty, only level bits with this prefix will be deleted. */
var() string WithPrefix<autocomment=true>;
event Activated()
    local Hat_SaveGame_Base SG;
    local int i;
    if (Maps.Length == 0)
    SG = class'Hat_SaveBitHelper'.static.GetSaveGame();
    for (i = 0; i < Maps.Length; i++)
        if (WithPrefix != "")
            class'Hat_SaveBitHelper'.static.ResetLevelBitsByPrefix(WithPrefix, Maps[i], SG);
            class'Hat_SaveBitHelper'.static.ResetLevelBitsForLevel(Maps[i], SG);
    ObjName = "Delete All Level Bits"
    ObjCategory = "Give me a custom category!"
    bCallHandler = false
    bSuppressAutoComment = false

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 * Gets the integer that was saved in an act bit (likely with AbsoluteValue=True).
class Drew_SeqAct_GetActBit extends SequenceAction;
/** Id to get the act bit from. */
var() String Id<autocomment=true>;
var int Value;
event Activated()
    if (Id == "") return;
    Value = class'Hat_SaveBitHelper'.static.GetActBits(Id);
    ObjName = "Get Act Bit"
    ObjCategory = "Give me a custom category!"
    bCallHandler = false
    bSuppressAutoComment = false
    VariableLinks(0) = (ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int', LinkDesc="Value", PropertyName=Value, bWriteable=true)

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 * Gets the integer that was saved in a level bit (likely with AbsoluteValue=True).
class Drew_SeqAct_GetLevelBit extends SequenceAction;
/** Id to get the level bit from. */
var() String Id<autocomment=true>;
/* Map to get the level bit from. Leave blank to get from the currently loaded map. */
var() String Map;
var int Value;
event Activated()
    if (Id == "") return;
    Value = class'Hat_SaveBitHelper'.static.GetLevelBits(Id, Map);
    ObjName = "Get Level Bit"
    ObjCategory = "Give me a custom category!"
    bCallHandler = false
    bSuppressAutoComment = false
    VariableLinks(0) = (ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int', LinkDesc="Value", PropertyName=Value, bWriteable=true)