Save Config Value


A custom Kismet node for modifying GameMod configs!

This node can modify any int config variable in the specified GameMod class. Based on SuperInkLink's Has Config Value node.

NOTE: You may want to edit the value of ObjCategory to something unique, so you can tell this node apart from other copies in other mods.


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 * A node to modify the value of a GameMod config.
 * Based on SuperInkLink's Has Config Value script.
class Drew_SeqAct_SaveConfigValue extends SequenceAction;
/* The gamemod class to modify the config for. Format: ModFolderName.GameModName */
var() string GamemodName;
/** Name of the config variable to modify. */
var() Name ConfigName;
/** New value to set the config to. */
var() int NewValue;
event Activated()
    local class<GameMod> GamemodClass;
    if (GamemodName != "")
        GamemodClass = class<GameMod>(class'Hat_ClassHelper'.static.ActorClassFromName(GamemodName));
        `broadcast("[" $ self $ "] ERROR - a GameMod name was not specified!");
    if (GameModClass == None)
        `broadcast("[" $ self $ "] ERROR - Could not find GameMod class " $ GamemodName);
    if (GamemodClass.static.SaveConfigValue(GamemodClass, ConfigName, NewValue))
        // Great, everything worked correctly!
        `broadcast("[" $ self $ "] ERROR - failed to set config variable " $ PathName(GameModClass) $ ":" $ ConfigName $ " = " $ NewValue $ ". Does the variable exist?");
    ObjName = "Save Config Value"
    ObjCategory = "Give me a custom category!"
    bCallHandler = false
    VariableLinks(0) = (ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Int', LinkDesc="New Value", PropertyName=NewValue)